Sometimes Magic is like life. And life is like Magic. Sometimes you shouldn't give up too quickly.
The MTG Buzz Feed
The MTG Community - Quitting Magic [Edward Eng - Battlemage, Level 42]
Magic is fun. Magic is a great game. You shouldn't have to quit Magic if you don't have to.
The MTG Community - When & How You Learned Magic [Edward Eng - Battlemage, Level 42]
Do you remember when and how you started playing Magic? Let us know your MTG story.
Brewer's Paradise - Dredge Swarm in Modern [Edward Eng - Battlemage, Level 42]
Love Dredge? Then check out this Modern Dredge brew.
The MTG Community - Quick Hits...Pro Tour & SCG [Edward Eng - Battlemage, Level 42]
Long live the Pro Tour. Long live Modern. Don't worry, here's how to maneuver forward.