For this week's Q & A session we've decided to tap into the brain of upcoming #ptsoi competitor, Nathaniel Smith.
The MTG Buzz Feed
Solving the Limited Puzzle - Shadows over Innistrad Pick Order, Commons & Uncommons [Haibing Hu - Archmage, Level 46]
Haibing Hu brings us his infamous pick order list to help everyone improve their drafts and evaluations.
Standard Fare - All about Eldrazi [Edward Eng - Battlemage, Level 42]
Is it time for the Eldrazi menace to take over Standard?
Q & A - Standard Rotation and Picking the Best Deck [Collin Rountree - Sorcerer, Level 39]
Ever have trouble picking a deck? When in doubt, go with the pros.
The MTG Community - Try, Don't Hate [Edward Eng - Battlemage, Level 42]
Don't be so quick to judge a card. Instead, think about its applications and try it first. This will improve your game.