The MTG Community - A Great Time for Legacy [Edward Eng - Battlemage, Level 41]
Yes, SCG has taken away some support of the format. But they're still going to have 5k Legacy Premier IQs at every Open. And yes, they're changing the prize payout structure. But I'm pretty sure SCG will have great prizes on the wall.
SCG is a business. They know what they're doing. They want to move more product. And besides, what do you normally do when you win cash from tournaments? You buy more Magic stuff (i.e. cards, accessories, tournament entries). It's not like you're living off of cash wins to pay for your car, school, house, or whatever. And if you're actually doing that, then you probably shouldn't be playing Magic.

Aside from picking up cheap Legacy staples, I also suggest grinding the Legacy Premier IQs. If you do, I'm sure you'll gain a lot of value from the prize wall in light of all the people who think the format will die.
As for me, I recently came back to the game. And I just started playing Legacy. Some cards were around in the 90s when I was young, but the format wasn't there at the time. I played in the last SCG Invitational (Legacy / Standard) and it was a blast! And I intend to play more Legacy going forward. So I hope to see you at the tables at the upcoming Legacy Grand Prix.