The MTG Buzz Feed
The MTG Community - Top 8 Aesthetically Pleasing Card Designs [Edward Eng - Battlemage, Level 42]
Amonkhet Invocations seem to be a flop so far. But how about these designs?
MTG Reporter - A Goblin's Guide to Fatally Burning Your Opponents in Modern [Edward Eng - Battlemage, Level 42]
Is Burn finally pushed in Modern? Take a look at Edward Eng's 4C Burn build he took to 17th at SCG Dallas.
Magic: The Gathering Card Deals
This is our first time running some card deals. Let us know what else you're looking for. Thanks!
The MTG Community - I'm Sorta Back [Edward Eng - Battlemage, Level 42]
I'm back...kinda. What's gonna win Pro Tour Aether Revolt. Do the voting thang.
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